Cost Control Your money is worth it Have your costs dialed from production raw materials to labor force. All within simple control with an integrated and fully automated cost control system.
Board Cost Do you want to know exactly how much a finished board is costing you? need to know where to adjust? Shaperbuddy will get you there easy, without paperwork headaches.
Raw Materials Stay updated and know how much you are consuming of blanks, resin or fiber while keeping track of your costs and raw materials stock levels. Define minimum quantities, get automated stock alerts and create fast PO orders.
Labor Cost Control your direct labor costs easy and on the go. Know what you have to pay to each factory worker, from cutters to glassers or shapers, according to their registered board production.
Shaperbuddy empowers you to take over production costs without endless hours of boring paperwork, giving you the right insights to adjust processes and save money. A must if you’re planning to expand
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