Board Stock Management Simplified stock board management The right tools to control and manage surfboard stocks, from new production boards to clients’ trade ins. Everything you need to takeover and takeoff with great stock control.
  • No more dead stocks Up to date stock information at a glance. Shaperbuddy lets you know the exact number of boards under management, new or used, their cost value and the time they’ve been sitting still, allowing for prompt sales action.
  • Know your numbers Your stocks are maintained in one central place where you can easily get from anywhere. Know the exact value and number of boards in stock under your roof or in each different partner at all times.
  • Stock location Track and control your stock easy. Shaperbuddy lets you stock in different locations with full control. You’ll know where your boards are. Different warehouses, borrowed boards, consignments, team and even sold boards get dialed.
  • Easy consignment control Track and manage boards under different consignment locations easy with Shaperbuddy. Control which boards where placed as consignments while informing your audience of that stock location. Boost partner’s sales and reinforce business relations.
  • Boost your sales Shaperbuddy allows you to leverage production while boosting direct and stockists sales. Here’s how…board stocks go live over different channels, there’s control over retailers stock or consignments allowing you to push new product upon sales and detailed reporting over stocks. Everything works together to increase stock performance and business sales.
  • All stock movements. Easy. Know exactly what stock is coming in and going out. New production into stock, stock sales, trade ins coming in and out, borrowed boards, team boards, returns, exchanges, stock transfers to different warehouses or refunds. We got it all covered.
Shaperbuddys Stock Management System lets you leverage your production with confidence. It not only gives clear stock insights and stock control tools, as acts as a powerful sales & marketing tool facilitating product placement and partners sales.
We're here to help! Contact us to know how we can help your board manufacturing business Get in touch with our team now !
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Thank you for your interest in Shaperbuddy.

Shaperbuddy is a One & Only management tool designed specifically for the Surfboard Manufacturing Industry, covering and solving all relevant management needs, from production to commercial.

Take Control and Takeoff Shaperbuddy will put you in control of your business fast, helping with the right tools to let you focus on customers and grow sales.

Questions? Email or talk with us!
Fill the form on the left side to get in touch with us. We can easily set you up for an online demo covering the most significant features and system benefits.