Reports & Analytics Business reporting made easy Shaperbuddy visual reporting and analytics gives you immediate access to the insights you need to run your factory, from A to Z, empowering you to make informed, smart decisions about your business.
  • Dashboard Shaperbuddys’ Dashboard is your factory home screen. It organizes and presents real-time information summarizing what’s rolling in your factory, from new placed orders to ongoing production, stock numbers or sales performance.
  • Sales Forecast your sales with in-depth sales data. Know which models, clients and sales channels are performing best, list ongoing sales, adjust and plan your business ahead.
  • Board Stocks Print and control stocked articles, list stocked boards per location, control shop stock consignments and print inventory control lists easy.
  • Raw Materials Up-to-date raw material inventory data, low stock levels and other detailed reports to help you control and run your production smarter.
  • Invoicing List and print open invoices, list payment sheets, list and print aging invoices and balance reports. Shaperdubby gives full vision of what’s going on with invoicing, allowing you to act over cash flow to cover your business needs.
Shaperbuddys’ easy-to-read sales reports and analytics brings better control and foresight into your factory, helping to make better business decisions and grow your business smarter.
We're here to help! Contact us to know how we can help your board manufacturing business Get in touch with our team now !
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Thank you for your interest in Shaperbuddy.

Shaperbuddy is a One & Only management tool designed specifically for the Surfboard Manufacturing Industry, covering and solving all relevant management needs, from production to commercial.

Take Control and Takeoff Shaperbuddy will put you in control of your business fast, helping with the right tools to let you focus on customers and grow sales.

Questions? Email or talk with us!
Fill the form on the left side to get in touch with us. We can easily set you up for an online demo covering the most significant features and system benefits.