Frequently Asked Questions Straight-forward answers to the most popular questions we get
  • How much does Shaperbuddy costs?

    Shaperbuddy pricing is based on a monthly fee adjustable to your board production volume prevision and brand needs. There’s no initial licensing fees or set up charges (unless you ask us to do it all for you). There is no initial investment in hardware as well.

    Please contact us so we can create a plan according to your reality and business needs.

  • How to know more about prices?

    Prices are simple and attractive, no matter your volume and web integrations. Please contact us to know more about prices.

  • How does your pricing compare with other solutions?

    “Alternative solutions” means in fact the use of a few different software products at same time… or the use of a large enterprise ERP that would have to be customized for your business, and this would get ultra-expensive for our industry reality.

    Shaperbuddy combines state-of-the-art Client Management, Production Management, Inventory, Sales, Billing (Invoicing), Stock Management, Marketing and more in one single “all-in-one” specific platform, saving you time and money.

  • What if I don't plan on using all of the modules?

    Shaperbuddy was developed in a way so everything is deeply integrated and connected. Every board manufacturing business is unique and can take advantage of system differently, according to its own reality.

  • Do I need to sign a long-term contract?

    Absolutely not! There are no contracts. Pay yearly or monthly, cancel anytime. There are no initiation fees, cancellation costs, license fees or any other charges.

  • Can I cancel the service?

    Yes. If you ever decide that Shaperbuddy isn't the best system for your business you can simply cancel it.

  • Can I buy the software outright?

    No. Shaperbuddy is only available in a month-to-month subscription basis as it is more than just simple software. It includes infrastructure to make it available online so you do not have to install anything, along with backup solutions to ensure you never lose data. This model allows us as well to develop constant system upgrades being automatically available throughout our clients.



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Thank you for your interest in Shaperbuddy.

Shaperbuddy is a One & Only management tool designed specifically for the Surfboard Manufacturing Industry, covering and solving all relevant management needs, from production to commercial.

Take Control and Takeoff Shaperbuddy will put you in control of your business fast, helping with the right tools to let you focus on customers and grow sales.

Questions? Email or talk with us!
Fill the form on the left side to get in touch with us. We can easily set you up for an online demo covering the most significant features and system benefits.